Sorry I have been neglecting my poor blog, I meant to get to it but things have been crazy on my end. Hopefully after my exams I will be back to writing again. But to make up for it I will give a lay down on what has been happening:
I have been taking guitar lessons and by God how fun they are, my guitar is named Katherine Alice De Freak and I LOVE her. She is a Main Street Strat, she fades to a sort of orange color to the front, dark to the back. My teacher Blake is a funny guy, he says I have real potential which boosts me up. I'm making a plan to start paying for lessons since my grandmother is only paying for January.
School is school, my mom signed me up for the ACT in...Feburary I think, so I'm studing for that. Plus the CPT since I was such a good girl and passed my FCAT *throws up in trash can*, I can take it for free, so my senior year I can take college classes. Other than that I have to work on two papers over my Christmas break, which I am soooo loking forward to....NOT!
Anyway, I have several writing projects still in the making. I am also rewriting a lot of them so they are more organized, I am even in a contest for scholarships (yes that is on my plate now) so hopefully I do good for that. Plus I am getting into lots of RP's, I am currently in like six of them and they are so much fun.
I have few plans for post topics, some of them have to do with a novel in progress and few have to do with my characters, and few with these weird dreams I have had (I blame the meds, but they were cool).
Until then, this is Yuna signing out~