So sorry I’ve been neglecting the blog, quite a few changes have occurred. One I moved into my aunt’s house, I couldn’t really handle things at home (or rather either house) and I just had to get away. And so far it’s gone really well, I’m a lot more happy and much more at peace there. It’s just a safe place for me to be and to be around people that actually show concern for you is even nicer. It may not be permanent unfortunately but, if and when, I am forced to go back home I will be able to take things better. And my mom’s house, that’s where I need to apply it more.
In addition I just got through my school play and boy was it a rough ride. Our production of ‘The Good Doctor’ was overall good, even with the lack of time we had. The set itself was mostly a large book and since a few things went wrong with that, the time it took to finish was longer than expected. The actors themselves put on a great show, there’s something about hearing an audience laughing at the hilarious performance your friends are displaying can really set a warm and pleasant feeling throughout your body. But that’s what I feel, can’t say the same for the rest of the crew.
Now I was not part of the cast this time. In fact this is one of two plays I was actually in during the already three years of school. Besides Prometheus Bound—a Greek tragedy we performed, with me as one of the Twelve Daughters of the Ocean—I was actually part of the crew this time. Running Crew to be more specific, meaning I helped move the props around during the show. And as we had to blend in since there were not many blackouts, we had to dress as maids and servants. I wore a cute purple dress~
I and the other Running Crew members had a blast though. In fact we had our own special question that we would ask every rehearsal (and most of the shows) more than once in a matter of minutes apart:
“Where’s Noah?”
Noah was the only freshman on the Running Crew. And the common knowledge we have for freshman, most are pretty immature. He kept disappearing whenever we turned our backs for more than a few seconds. We nearly ripped our hair out over it, but by the time the shows came around he straightened up thank God. He was mostly pared up with me when it came to moving some stuff. So it worked out.
Hmmmm….oh yeah. I’m planning on starting guitar lessons soon. I had a free lesson yesterday and by God there was something about holding that guitar that sent a shiver up my spine. I was listening so intently to what the instructor was saying and I caught on really quick on a few things. Now when I was looking at prices they had a special set for if your sign up for lessons. Hopefully I can start that soon, I’ve worked out the prices and everything and this really is something that I would REALLY stick to and can do. Good wishes are always appreciated.
For now that’s all I have to give. Maybe next time I can give something that I can really bring to here that can be further discussed and for you readers to be able to give an opinion on.
This is Yuna signing out~
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